The Lecher antenna measures the electromagnetic radiation that surrounds us that emanates from all living organisms or our environment.
It consists of two closed Lecher wires that are looped at one end and connected by a mobile cursor at the other end. This cursor allows you to select wavelength markers on a ruler and works according to the same function as the set button of a radio receiver. There are many of these wavelength markers known at this current date which allows to benefit of detecting a whole range of energies from water in the desert, precious metals, earth energies, Leylines, bio-energies, chakras, meridians, …
The adjustable loop being closed; the setting on the ruler of the electromagnetic radiation induces Foucault currents inside making the instrument sensitive to Laplace forces: electromagnetic energy is then converted into a mechanical effect which is translated into a tension felt in the hands of the user and makes the antenna dip.
In Layman terms, when the Lecher antenna comes into a resonant signal between what it is set to and what is present, the user will feel that the antenna is starting to move. It’s as if it is coming into a wall of that specific energy which makes the upper part (ruler and Lecher wires) want to dip.
You can watch Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte give a short concise but very informative talk about the Lecher Antenna in which she explains what a Lecher antenna is, what its many applications and benefits are, about its origin and how it works on the "About" page of this website or by clicking here.