Our enterprise is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone. If you want to contact us, please fill the contact form on our website. We wish you a good day! You will find the latest information about us on the "About" page.
Photo:Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte,Founder of the Lecher Antenna Institute, Lecher Antenna Teacher and Practitioner with Dr. Driscart, Medical Doctor who used Lecher antenna for decades in his practice.
Our Graduates have set up and expanded amazing businesses.
We are focused on building community. We are so supportive and encouraging of our Graduates who decide to set up and expand their businesses.
The Lecher Antenna Institute, Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes and Anne-Marie Delmotte cannot be held responsible for the actions and outcomes of their Graduates. We aim to offer and train our Graduates to adhere to a very strict Code of Conduct and Ethics.
Naturopath and Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioner
Hypnotherapist, crystal Specialist and Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioner
Certified Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics Practitioner
You will find the latest information about our enterprise...